What do we use in apitherapy?


In apitherapy, various bee products are used, each suitable for specific ailments. The healing properties of honey are crucial due to its rich composition of enzymes, natural minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants in the right proportions. Honey is easily digestible, making it suitable for both external and internal use. It is utilized in inhalations, massages, baths, wound healing due to its antibacterial properties, and internal applications.

It is essential to note that crystallized honey is a sign of authentic natural honey.

Propolis, the bees' strongest product, exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-allergic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its versatile use, coupled with a rich composition of flavonoids, makes it a significant antioxidant. Authors and researchers attribute a special place to propolis among tomorrow's medicines.

Beeswax is irreplaceable for dressings, a crucial component in natural ointments, with over 250 ingredients indispensable in apitherapy.

Royal jelly, the most valuable product from bee glands, acts as an excellent natural concentrate with unmatched composition. It serves as a powerful hormonal stimulant, antidepressant, and a genuine natural "doping" agent. It finds versatile applications both internally and externally.

Pollen, both collected and excavated, is indispensable in apitherapy for its rich composition of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. Pollen's benefits are highlighted in various diseases and as a preventive measure against osteoporosis in women and an excellent preventive measure against prostate growth in men.

Apilarnil, a product gaining recognition in Slovenia, shares similar properties with royal jelly but with different emphases. Bee venom, used in multiple ways in apitherapy, is an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, especially effective for nerve-related conditions, long-known as an outstanding antirheumatic.

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