
Inhalation of Air from a Beehive in a Chamber

What is Apikomora?

An alternative form of treatment aiming to influence human health and well-being. Apikomora involves listening to the buzzing of bees and inhaling air from a beehive. Rest assured, while you’ll hear the bees, none will come near you. Suitable for children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. Beneficial for athletes and those exposed to psychophysical stress. The microclimate of the beekeeping facility (Api chamber) significantly affects human psychophysical well-being and alleviates pollen allergy symptoms through the inhalation of condensed aerosol. In Apikomora, electronic devices are prohibited to preserve the positive natural energy charge from bees.

Interesting Facts from the Media:

Bees may lose their way due to radiation from mobile phones, as reported by The Independent. A study from the University of Landau confirmed that bees become more agitated due to phone radiation. Apikomora excludes electronic devices to maintain positive natural energy near the bees.

Conducting Aerosol Therapy in a Beehive:

Daily therapy, lasting six to eight days, involves spending at least twenty minutes in the beekeeping facility. The positive bioenergetic charge from bees has a calming effect, enhanced by the soothing sound of bees. The chamber, isolated from electromagnetic influences, has a volume of 2 cubic meters, mimicking the historical Slavic beekeeping tradition. It’s advised during warmer months and allows free aerosol inhalation or utilizes a custom inhaler. The air saturated with negative ions enhances oxygen supply to cells, calming breathing and lowering blood pressure, promoting muscle relaxation and emotional release.


Why Apikomora?

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Treats respiratory conditions (asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic throat inflammation).
  • Combats insomnia, depression, stress, and apathy.
  • Improves psychophysical well-being.


Kaj drugi mislijo

Počasi se pripravljam na IVF postopek,pa me zanima ali je katera od vas jemala matični mleček original od čebelarjev in kakšno dozo? Poleg tega pa jemljem še folno kislino… Ali je po vaše potrebno jemati še kaj za dobre celice in pripravo telesa na IVF? ŠE TO:matični mleček jemljem na žličko…je treba kar stisnit zobke…ta reč je res obupnega okusa.. ampak…vse za plusek…čau čau


    Jaz sem ga jemala v postopku IVF in je bil rezultata zelo dober, sem pridelala 25 celic in potem od tega 13 zamrznjenih zarodkov. Mislim, da je folna kislina in matični mleček dovolj. Ni dobro, da preveč vsega naenkrat jemlješ. Upam, da nisi kupila matičnega mlečka v lekarni in da ga imaš od kakega čebelarja, so boljši. Jaz sem ga vzela vsak zvečer z plastično žličko. Na koničko žličke sem si ga zagrabila in pod jezik. Kdaj pa imaš punkcijo?


      Matični mleček bi naj pozitivno deloval na neplodnost. Izkušnje žensk, ki dolgo niso mogle zanositi (seveda ob nepojasnjeni neplodnosti), so v roku 2 mesecev zanosile. Tudi sama sem ga nabavila za boljše celice pred ivf.


        Pozdravljene! Zdaj že skoraj deset dni jem matični mleček in morama rečt, da se na okus nikakor ne morem navadit. Groza. Pa sploh nisem preveč občutljiva in vedno poskusim vse, ker me zanimajo okusi različnih stvari, ampak to mi pa nekako ne sede. Vedno moram imet nekaj zraven da poplaknem, ker me dobesedno dvigne. Ampak bom vztrajala in upala na pozitivne učinke.

